Here's a website, it exists now technically

Tiny Frog Wizard

July 8th, 2024

I added a section for Tiny Frog Wizard (sorry prokopetz I latched onto the theme, I will change the name if you really need me to). I'm hoping to have something of a game design portfolio here. I've had maybe three people ever look at this site at all so I don't think it's worth the monthly five bucks to host the download on this site, but that could change in the future.

and not to have a 50% ratio for update posts with a "it has been a while" comment but uh I'm kinda impressed I rememebered how to update this thang ding

Startin to add some content

April 26th, 2022

Hey so whenever you think "hmm maybe I could make a script that does this" odds are good that somebody has already done it, so I googled (that is a real dictionary word, not containing any corporate terms) it and found a tool that's pretty good at taking my notepadrants and turning them into easily copypasta-ble html. So I've added "Welcome to Myst", a stream-of-conciousness style... walkthrough-review for the first maybe 30ish minutes of the classic computer game Myst. I had known it existed for a long time, but only played it for the first time a couple of months ago, and I really appreciated its game design. Maybe go read my piece if you want!

Thoughts after a bit

April 21st, 2022

It's been a little bit, so I want to revisit the topic of... this website kind of in general, and give some thoughts about it.

I'm not really good with html yet, and this doesn't quite look the way that I want it to. You might argue that my issue is CSS and that's probably correct.

It's not as easy to just go full notepadrants, but I can probably solve that. I can probably literally make a script or something that takes a .txt and inserts <p> tags everywhere.

I've also noticed that when I want to start discussing a topic, I can get across my thoughts in a lot fewer words than I assumed. For example, I spat out the whole "About Fantasiesta" page pretty fast. I thought all that information would be worth 3 pages. It really wasn't. (also worth pointing out that my "types of good games" bit didn't turn out nearly as interesting as the thoughts I'd had about it. maybe I need to revisit it or just abandon the section entirely)

I'm relatively happy with how often I think about this place though. I don't update it all the time, but I stop by every now and then to remember what it looks like, and I keep coming up with ideas of things to do.

A future plan of mine involves showing off some painted miniatures in the future. I'm backing the Reaper Bones 6 kickstart at the moment, and it would be fun to make a whole thing out of painting it up and showing my progress. I'm also likely to get the Freedom Five board game before then, and it has a bunch of miniatures to paint as well.

If it was the first update can you really call it an update or is it just a date


I've always wanted to maintain my own website, and so when some tumblr post was like "hey go get on neocities" I was like "oh yes I will do that but not right now because I am in the middle of something" so I waited until finishing that thing and now here I am.

It's even the next day! So obviously I'm still interested in stuff like that.

Anyway I'm hoping to start filling this up with stuff gradually over time. I have a number of notepadrants that would be appropriate to share, largely about wow related stuff. Maybe a page with pictures of miniatures that I painted. Probably also a section about Fantasiesta design, since I find that game really interesting even though it still doesn't exist.

With all that out of the way, enjoy your stay! It's likely to be short because uh there's nothing here. I'll spice things up later.